Tulsa Child Custody Attorney for Men
Oklahoma family courts have three doctrines regarding child custody: sole, joint, and primary. Primary custody is a relatively new concept in Oklahoma law that allows one co-parent in a joint custody agreement the right to relocate the child when they move.
Tulsa Child Support Attorney For Men
Child support can be modified when the co-parent can prove a material change in circumstances. This is a term encompassing a wide range of situations, including changes in income or in the needs of the child.
Paternity Determination in Oklahoma
Establishing paternity can be done via filling out a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) form or a DNA test. The Oklahoma Child Support Services (OCSS) can also file a paternity lawsuit to enforce a father’s financial obligation
Tulsa Alimony Attorney for Men
There are various ways to fight paying alimony in Oklahoma. Some of these include having a valid prenupital agreement, offering up assets, or making a one-time lump-sum payment. Additionally, it's becoming increasingly common that ex-husbands can be awarded alimony from their ex-wives.
Tulsa Divorce Attorney for Men
There are three kinds of divorces in Oklahoma. These include contested divorce, agreed divorce, and high-asset divorce.
Tulsa Protective Order Attorney for Men
Protective orders, even if based on nothing, can have serious consequences. These include your ability to spend time with your children, your career goals, and your reputation.
Oklahoma Child Neglect Defense
Child neglect accusations can negatively affect the other spouse's level of child custody, child support payments, and reputation. Even if a charge is baseless, failure to fight it can be construed as a neglectful attitude.
Legal Separation in Oklahoma
Those that want to terminate their marriages can contact a divorce lawyer for a legal separation. That lawyer can help provide clarity to questions like alimony and child support.
Establishing Parentage in Oklahoma
When a child is born to an unwed mother, primary custody is given to her by default. A father does have the right to prove paternity, however. Proving this can provide you with various rights, such as child custody arrangements, the ability to pass property to your child, and other things.
Tulsa High Net Worth Divorce Attorney
What is a High Net Worth Divorce in Oklahoma? Divorces are always fraught affairs, with emotions on both sides running high. But they’re especially perilous when one or both parties hold a significant portion of wealth, particularly when one party earned the lion’s share of the wealth during the marriage. When one or both of […]