File Fast and Serve Her With Your Petition
Video Transcribed: Hi, I’m a Fathers’ rights lawyer in Tulsa, and I’m here answering questions about fatherhood and father’s rights in Tulsa.
We often get the question, what do I do? She wants to move away. Well, if you have rights established in the district court, then she needs to formally notice the relocation and we can set a hearing, actually a trial, to try to prevent her from leaving with the kid.
Now, that is a full-blown best interest hearing, just like a divorce. But at that hearing, you can request, still, joint custody, legal custody rights of your child, as well as as much physical custody as you can possibly get, even if the court is going to allow her to leave with that child.
You can also request that the court make you the primary custodian and keep the kid, where the kid is well-settled or children are well-settled, where they’ve been going to school and they’ve got friends and teachers and coaches and doctors who are already involved in their lives.
Now, if you have not established your custody rights, then you’ll need to file something immediately because you will lose jurisdiction in the county where they’ve been residing after six months when she moves away.
So if you have not established your rights and she’s threatening to leave with your kid, you need to file, file fast and serve her with your petition so that we can get her into court and get a hearing within 90 days and try to establish your rights to the child before she runs off to another state, and/or try to argue that you should be the sole custodian and primary residence of the child because of the same reasons.
The child has been here, the educators, coaches, doctors, other family support structures, et cetera, are in a place where the child has been at home for a period of time. If you’ve got any questions about her running off to another state, then you need to call us now.