What to Do if Your Child’s Medical Needs Are Neglected in Oklahoma
If you are a parent who has discovered that your child’s medical needs are being neglected by the other parent, it can be a frightening and overwhelming situation. The first step you should take is to contact an experienced family law attorney who can help guide you through the legal process.
An emergency custody request may be necessary if your child is in imminent danger of physical harm due to medical neglect. An emergency custody request is filed before a judge and, if granted, gives you temporary custody of your child until a hearing can be held to determine long-term custody arrangements.
The Emergency Custody Request Process
If you already have an existing divorce or paternity case in court, your attorney will file an emergency custody request on your behalf. The request must include an affidavit outlining the details of the medical neglect. If the judge grants your request, the next hearing will be a show-cause hearing where you’ll have to explain why the emergency custody order should continue.
If you don’t have a court case, your attorney will help you file one. Once the emergency custody order is granted, you’ll have temporary custody of your child until the show-cause hearing. This hearing usually takes place within a specified number of days.
Getting Back on Track With Your Co-Parent
If you’re going to co-parent with a parent who has neglected your child’s medical needs, you must ensure that your child’s needs are being met appropriately. An experienced family law attorney can help you determine a plan to verify these needs and advise you on how best to proceed.
Contact an Experienced Family Law Attorney
If you’re facing a situation where your child’s medical needs are being neglected by the other parent, you need the help of an experienced Oklahoma family law attorney. For more information or to schedule a initial consultation , contact us at (918) 986-7724 or visit our website at tulsafathersrights.lawyer.