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Video Transcribed: I’m the Tulsa Father’s Rights lawyer I’ve been doing a few videos on COVID-19 and the Tulsa County courthouse and the response. There is now a new response, some new requirements for procedures for entrance to the courthouse, which begins on May 18th. And it goes as far as to say that in response to the expected influx of visitors they’re placing all of these new requirements for an initial two week period between May 18th and May 29th.
So, this is only applicable for the first two weeks starting next week on May 18th. So, and they’re quoting commissioner Stan Sallee as saying, “We want to keep our employees and citizens safe as the court systems reopen in an old building that is ill suited for social distancing.”
So, they’re admitting that their building is not exactly built for this, but they’re saying that they’re confident that the efforts that they put in place, paired with the district court’s efforts will help minimize the numbers in the courthouse. And so, they’re hoping that they can remove the restrictions after two weeks.
So at this point, at the direction of the CDC, director of Tulsa health department and the Oklahoma Supreme court, everyone will be required to wear a mask when entering the courthouse. So, you need to get a mask. The Plaza entrance would be used for court participants only. So they’re diverting people to two separate entrances based upon the business that they’re going to be doing in that County building.
Located on the North side of the courthouse, the Plaza entrance, which is facing the library will be used exclusively for entrance by court participants, including attorneys, parties, victims, and witnesses. Family members, or those not directly involved in the court proceedings, sorry, not allowed in. Also, visitors will be required to discuss the court need with court staff located at the Plaza entrance. So, you’re not getting in unless you can tell somebody there why you’re going in.
The Denver entrance will be used for County personnel and citizens with County business only. That’s the one that faces Denver, that’s on the East side of the building. That will be used exclusively for County personnel and people who need to conduct County related business. Now what’s County related business?
Let’s see what they call it. Call it court clerk, so you’re filing something, that’s the County assessor, it’s also the County treasurer and the County clerk. Attorneys are allowed to enter through this Denver side also, if they need to and personnel and citizens will be directed to use the escalators rather than the elevators, which are right there once you come in, so that social distancing can be made stronger because it’s easier to gap on the escalator than it is to pile into the elevator.
They’re saying that signage will be posted at all entrance. So, they’re going to be helping you. Tulsa Sheriff’s deputies may deny you access and redirect you other places if you’re trying to use the wrong place.
The BOCC is not responsible for court operations. So the Board of County Commissioners, this is not directly related to the actual court processes. They just manage the building, and so all the procedures that the district courts have placed, what they’re calling administrative orders, and anything that’s been promulgated by the Supreme court will be followed separately as well in of its own right.
So, if you have any questions about what you need to bring to court, at this point, make sure you’ve got a mask for sure, because they’re not going to let you in without a mask, but if you’ve got any other questions, give me a call. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find it for you. Again, I’m I’m the Tulsa Father’s Rights lawyer, trying to give you a little bit of information so that you can navigate this crazy time. Thanks again for watching. And I hope you have a nice day.