Talk to a Lawyer About Modifying Child Support if your Income has Changed
Video Transcribed: Have you lost your job and placed on furlough or lost hours because of this Coronavirus.
I’m the Tulsa Father’s Rights Lawyer and this topic is about how to act now to preserve your financial future given a loss in financial support linked to the Coronavirus.
Act now. Put in that motion to modify. Courts are going to be responding to this COVID virus incident for months, years, regarding all kinds of things that have become litigable issues including your custody and importantly, if you’ve had a change in financial support, your child support.
Courts are going to be playing catch up. Already things are being placed behind with with the addition of litigation based upon this incident, it’s important to get a motion on file to modify your child support, as immediately as possible.
The court is going to want to go back to the day, or to a day, for a change in income. Make sure you let the court know that that change in income occurred as soon as possible.
Get in line, talk to a lawyer about modifying the child support if your income has changed. You need to get in line with the court. Try to get a written notarized agreement with the other party that can be signed and presented to the judge.
This will make it a quicker process for you to modify the child support but if you can’t, contact a lawyer, get in line with the court and attempt to modify your child support.
Again, I’m. I am the Tulsa Father’s Rights Lawyer. That was the movie about a financial changes to your income and getting in line with the court to modify your child support.
This is really important if you have any financial change in your income because you need to protect yourself. You should only be paying what you have an ability to pay. Thanks again, ladies and gentlemen. If you’ve got any questions, give me a call.