Generally During a Divorce, People Experience Many Different Emotions
Video Transcribed: Are you wondering about balancing the many layers of your divorce? I’m the Tulsa Fathers Rights Lawyer and this is a video on the many layers of your divorce.
Generally during a divorce, people experience the following feelings, sometimes in order, sometimes out of order, sometimes at the same time, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
There are so many layers to your divorce, including your dreams, sexually, property, finances, socially, within the context of your family and also if you’re religious, at church. Divorce involves change, involves loss, but it also involves growth.
During a divorce, it’s normal to experience extremely contradictory thoughts about your spouse. Divorce never happens overnight. It’s never the product of one incident and generally it takes years, not months to get over.
Divorce can cause a loss of identity. It can cause anxiety, depression, and oftentimes people will stop taking care of themselves like they used to during a divorce. Some of the physical symptoms of divorce include diarrhea, nausea, change in appetite, headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
Healing involves planning for the future, taking responsibility, being accountable to yourself and acting with integrity towards your ex spouse.
Again, I’m. I’m the Tulsa Fathers Rights Lawyer. That was a video on peeling back some of the layers of divorce. If you’ve got any questions, give us a call.