Divorce Means You Are Leaving Your Spouse, Not Your Children
Video Transcribed: My name is Attorney Jason Lile, and I am the Oklahoma Dad’s Attorney with dads.law, I wanted to talk to you today about one aspect of divorce or separating from your spouse or partner, that is often missed by many family law attorneys.
That is the fact that you are leaving or divorcing your partner and not your children. Why is this important, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. If you approach your case with that in mind, that you are separating or leaving this other person and not your children, then it will help you focus your thinking and your behavior in a way that will support your case, and it will strengthen your case.
What I mean by that is, is for example, if you are not ordered to pay support yet, but you are looking at this to say, well, I want to do what’s best for these children, then you will get the same advice from me that you should voluntarily pay some support and keep good track of it so that when the time comes in court, you come into court with what lawyers would call clean hands.
You say, “I have fulfilled my obligation to the children.” Many of my male clients are understandably upset, saying, “I’m not going to give money to that person,” whether it’s your estranged wife or girlfriend, or partner.
But this is where a good lawyer comes in. It’s not just my job to tell you what you want to hear, it’s my job to say, “No. If you remember that you are leaving her, or your partner, and not these children, then that money is going to help you demonstrate to the court, to the opposing counsel, to the judge, that your children are a priority for you.”
This will ultimately help you if that case has to go to a trial or a hearing, and it will help strengthen your position in negotiations. Also, it will get you in the mindset of how to love and support your children through this process which, legal matters aside, is ultimately the most important thing.
Experienced attorneys should be able to give you advice like this, and tell you what to do with it to strengthen your case. So, if you need any help or have any questions about this or other matters in a family law case, please feel free to contact me, the Tulsa Divorce Attorney for Men.