They Absolutely Do
Video Transcribed: I’m your Oklahoma father’s rights lawyer, here to answer some questions about fatherhood and father’s rights. Today I want to answer the question do dads get equal rights after a divorce? The answer is absolutely they do.
And frankly, you are presumed to have equal rights at the inception of that divorce. It’s only for fathers who have children born out of wedlock that they start behind, or in instances where women file for emergency custody at the inception of the divorce, usually based on some form of domestic violence or substance use.
Even if you start off with an emergency in a divorce that does not mean that you can’t get equal rights to your child. In fact, at the end of that divorce, there is a legal presumption that joint custody is in the best interest of your child.
And so absolutely, absolutely, absolutely you can get equal rights to your child in a divorce and many fathers find that they actually have more decision-making authority over their children after a divorce, because they’re no longer in conflict with that woman inside of the marriage.
If you’ve got any questions about establishing equal rights for your child in a divorce, you need to give us a call.