The Answer Is No
Video Transcribed: Hi, I’m a father’s rights attorney in Tulsa. And I’m here talking about fatherhood and fathers’ rights.
We do get a lot of questions in here about fathers’ rights, one of them being, “Do I owe child support during the pregnancy?” The answer is no, you don’t owe her child support during the pregnancy.
However, a court could order you to pay some of the costs associated with the actual pregnancy and some support for the pregnancy, after the child is born.
And so, while you don’t owe her anything during the pregnancy, you might consider paying her some support, in order to reduce a future award, or keep it in the back of your mind and save some money, just in case she applies for prenatal child support.
If you’ve got any questions, because she’s pregnant right now, and you’re concerned about child support, then you should probably give us a call