The Answer Is No, It Is Not Required
Video Transcribed: Hi, I’m a Fathers’ rights lawyer in Tulsa, and I’m here answering questions about fatherhood and father’s rights in Tulsa.
Today, I want to talk a little bit about whether or not a paternity test is required during pregnancy or at birth. The answer is no, it is not required. There are opportunities for you to have prenatal tests done. That means that a test is conducted before the child is born.
Generally speaking, if those tests are done in the laboratory, they are very accurate. However, a postnatal test after the child is born will be required in order to establish your rights to your child and to be certain that that child is yours.
Now, that’s not exactly true because there are other ways that a court might determine you are the father, specifically, if there is no argument amongst you that you are the father. But in most cases, you’re going to be required to take a postnatal genetic test in order to establish your rights to your child, but they are not required during pregnancy or even at birth.
If you’ve got any questions about determining whether or not a child that’s not born or has just recently been born is yours. Then you need to give us a call.